Bring life to Images
Pradeep Manavalan a youngster with a vision and far sight added on with creativity at its best had always been fascinated by bringing images to reality since childhood. Armed with an antique black and white camera he embarked on a mission to change the very aspect of photography and its infinite dimensions. As a child he had nursed the vision of being a professional photographer and bringing in the latest generation photography under a one stop shop to make it accessible to the masses, when the awareness was only on conventional photography.
He commenced on a journey in search of the very best of photographic methodology that finally ended in all aspects of photography, be it Portfolio Build up, Events, industrial photography, Portraits, exquisite stills and finally to the latest generation Panorama Photography in all its creativity.
Pradeep Manavalan had the farsightedness of the fact that the human eye had its own limitations with regard to field of vision and embarked on a war footing to develop 360° Interactive Virtual Tour to the extent that it could take an individual on an arm chair tour of 360 degrees be it the Hospitality Industry , Health care, Educational Institutions, Residential Locations, Industries and Manufacturing Units Furthermore the cost effectiveness has come into play since these can be effectively used for 360° Virtual Tour and Interactive 3D Walkthrough presentations.
360° Virtual Tour and Interactive 3D Walkthrough, Panoramic Photography may sound simple but it involves years of painstaking experimentation on adjustment of lenses, light, and dovetailing the same with the exposure of the film the timing etc which is a highly skilled task since the results out shadows the capabilities of the very human eye.
The results have paid off and Manavalans Studio and Colourlab has become a landmark and a household name. Manavalans Studio and Colourlab as people say bring life to images.
With a passion to create great panoramic photography, we work closely with our clients to ensure we deliver the best solution for each and every commission. From a single 360° panorama through to a virtual tour complete with user interface, we pride ourselves on gaining a greater understanding of your business so that we can produce an interactive 360 virtual tour that will work for you.
Our team
Pradeep Manavalan
Prasad Manavalan
Manavalans Studio and Colorlab